Resources for Episodes 028: Respectfully Resisting Woke Racism at Work

Employment law firms listed by state

 A website start a workplace claim against your employer 

 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: the group created to handle discrimination in the workplace

Coca-Cola Asks Its Workers to Be ‘Less White’ to Fight Racism : This article includes screenshots referred to in the podcast. You can’t help but notice the racial prejudice against white people. Racism is racism and making generalized statements of this nature is just plain “dumb.” One should avoid making such statements about any and all races, sexes, religions, and ethnicities. 

Smith College and the Bravery of Jodi Shaw: Confronting Anti-Racism Groupthink at a Small Liberal-Arts College: A “how to example of resisting:” Jody Shaw bullied by diversity trainers and woke administrators resigns, refusing to accept a cash settlement.

Oberlin Has Been Ordered to Pay $44 Million in a Defamation Lawsuit. The Punishment Doesn't Fit the Crime: A local bakery accused the college of defamation after students launched a public campaign against the store for racial profiling. This resulted from critical theorists accusing a local business of white privilege and racism without cause. The bakery pushed back.

Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism: Good anti-racism- an organization that helps you with your child’s school or your workplace.