Resources for Episode 016: Illegal Aliens

How to live as aliens and strangers in a "foreign land (world)?" Know your faith. Here are some very readable and helpful tools.

The Story of Reality: This work by Greg Koukl explains your faith in an explainable way. Read it to your family. This is one of the best books for discipling your family and equipping yourself to answer the tough questions.

Tactics: Yet another good work by Greg Koukl. The title says it all. A helpful tool for explaining your Christian convictions.

The Benedict Option and Live Not By Lies: Both of these books are by Rod Dreher and are valuable for a practical approach to living as a Christian dissident and preserving your faith and faith relationships as well as those of your children and family. The lessons are distilled from the practices of people of faith under intense persecution in the former Soviet Union as well as what is now the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

More upheaval ahead, get ready--here's a sample of the type of thinking in the days ahead


Here are the indulgences that one had to pay to woke students in order to go to class: